Imagine if you could pay for some of your living costs before the tax man gets his cut?
Approved by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), Salary Packaging is a way to bring money around the tax man and lower your taxable income! This life-changing benefit can be offered to staff by their employer.

It doesn’t matter what type of organisation you work for; all employees are eligible to Salary Package, and depending on what type of organisation you work for you could potentially package up to $15,899 tax free per year.

Examples of items you can Salary Package include:

  • Rent
  • Mortgage
  • Registration
  • Insurance
  • Groceries
  • Phone Bills
  • Portable Electronic Devices for Work
  • Novated Leases (purchasing a car & running costs)
  • Associate Leases (existing car & running costs)

The list goes on…

If you are interested in Salary Packaging and would like to know what benefits are available to you, please contact our Salary Packaging Team on (07) 5451 0022 or

“Got any questions the FAA Team are here to help!”

John Hehir