Keeping the balance in your Life!

An Excelsior Plan allows you to confidently plan your financial future.

FAA Excelsior Plan

What is an Excelsior Plan?

An Excelsior Plan is a personalised plan which identifies your current position and your projected financial situation now and into retirement. An Excelsior Plan is designed to provide a comparative analysis on a range of options that are available to you. These options are based on the benefits of maximising your cash flow, identifying and the feasibility of achieving your goals, evaluating your investment options and positive measures that you can make which will improve your financial future.

Excelsior Plans are designed to identify the possible outcomes for your future by taking a realistic evaluation of your situation and providing an overarching view of the possibilities available. It demonstrates the positive impact the following strategies can have on your financial situation.

  • Maximising your cash flow
  • Creating a safety net for unexpected expenses
  • Paying non-tax deductible loans first

The ultimate aim of an Excelsior Plan is to create a financial strategy that meets your individual requirements and achieves your goals, providing you the confidence to move forward knowing all of the variables.


What are the benefits of an Excelsior Plan?

An Excelsior Plan will:

  • Identify your current situation and your projected outcome
  • Evaluate your investment options
  • Identify your goals and the feasibility of achieving them
  • Outline how to maximise your opportunities
  • Demonstrate the benefit of maximising your cash flow
  • Security and peace of mind
  • Clear pathway to follow

An Excelsior Plan allows you to confidently plan your financial future and removes the stress of living week to week, wondering if you can afford to go on a holiday and ultimately if you can fund your retirement.


How does an Excelsior Plan work?

We begin preparing your Excelsior Plan through a comprehensive data collection process that provides us with a thorough understanding of your current position and future goals. Using this information, we compile a number of options which are then presented to you within an Excelsior Plan. These options include a realistic scenario of your current projected path and outcome and potential alternative pathways and outcomes.

Once you have reviewed your available options, you can then make an informed decision regarding which path to take to achieve your desired financial outcomes. We then provide the education, assistance and support you need to implement the selected option from your Plan, which is done through the Excelsior Program.

How can we help you?

Contact us today to organise an initial appointment with a Financial Services Specialist.
The specialist can provide a free financial assessment and evaluate the impact on your individual circumstances.
We provide a holistic service and can assist you in all areas of your financial life.