With control comes great responsibility

Ensure your SMSF complies with superannuation and taxation legislation.


Don’t have a SMSF but want to know more about:

SMSF Investment Strategies

What is required to manage a SMSF?

SMSF trustees have extensive administrative, reporting and record-keeping obligations to ensure their fund complies with superannuation and taxation legislation. These responsibilities include:



SMSF Setup

• Choose Individual Trustees
• Establish a Trust
• Obtain the Trust Deed
• Create ABN
• Open a Bank Account





Annual tax obligations

• Yearly tax return
• Assets valuation
• Fund accounts prepared
• Paying ATO levy




Maintain compliance

• Appoint an SMSF auditor,
minimum 1 audit per year
(including external auditors)




SMSF financial statements & reporting

• Report fund member
or trustee changes

• Maintain records


The responsibility of managing a SMSF can be overwhelming and keeping up with current regulations and requirements can feel like a never ending struggle. Our SMSF Accountants assist you to get the most out of your SMSF by providing SMSF Administration services, taking on the duties of a trustee by managing your funds compliance.

We also work with trusted specialists to help you assess and manage your SMSF investment strategies to ensure your retirement is everything you want it to be.

Outsource Admin responsibilities
to our SMSF Accountants

(Discuss costs, processes etc)

Review SMSF
Investment Strategies


Are you an Accountant or Adviser?

Don’t have the time to manage the administration of your clients SMSF or don’t want the burden anymore?

Focus on the other areas of your business you enjoy and let us take care of the rest. Speak to us about our business packages today.

SMSF accountants

How can we help you?

Contact us today to organise your complimentary initial appointment with a SMSF Accountants and look at the options you have available.
We provide a holistic service and can assist you in all areas of your financial life.