Novated Leasing

The offers below are examples of how you could save thousands of dollars in tax with a Novated Lease. A Novated Lease is an agreement between 4 parties; yourself, your employer, a finance company and an administrator (such as FAA Group).

Your Employer pays your car lease payments and running expenses with Pre-Tax dollars and GST refunded. Therefore, you get the majority of your car expenses paid with a discount, depending on your situation, this could potentially save you thousands of dollars in tax.

Call 1300 49 11 41 or click the button below to arrange an appointment to discuss your options.


Novated Lease Enquiry

Fill in the form below and we will call you back at a time convenient to you.
We will not share your phone number with any other parties without your permission.
For phone contact, please select best time/s below.
Salary Packaging

2020 Honda Civic Vti-S

Price: $25,990
Save $2,371 a year on Tax!