Super contribution work test abolishedAmong several rule changes in the Federal Budget, it has been announced that the superannuation contribution rules for individuals have changed to between 67 to 74 years old. Individuals who are between 67 to 74 years old can now...
On July 1st, the concessional contribution cap increased by $2,500 to $27,500. For some, you can increase your Salary Sacrificing with extra super payments.Did you know that you can use funds from your salary before it gets taxed to make extra contributions to your...
To prepare for tax time 2021, we have created a list of deductions you are able to claim if you are an IT professional or a truck driver.Car ExpensesYou can claim a deduction for car expenses when you drive between separate jobs on the same day (e.g. you work for two...
To prepare for tax time 2021, we have created a list of deductions you are able to claim if you work in real estate or in an office. Car ExpensesYou can claim a deduction for car expenses when you drive between separate jobs on the same day (e.g. travelling from your...
To prepare for tax time 2021, we have created a list of deductions you are able to claim if you work in retail or as a cleaner, hospitality worker, office worker, or work in sales and marketing.Clothing and Grooming ExpensesYou can claim a deduction for the cost of...
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