Salary Packaging is simple with FAA
Pay less Tax – Save money on your everyday items*
*Depends on your employer & individual circumstances. It is recommended to obtain independent financial advice before commencing salary packaging and to disclose if you have HECS/HELP/TSL or receive family benefit payments, to assess how Salary Packaging will affect this.
Motor Vehicles
Novated Lease
Fully Maintained Associate Lease (FMAL)
FMAL is coming in 2023
e-Bike Lease (FMAL)
Salary Packaging Status
$30,000 Charity Exemption Cap
Salary Packaging additional contributions into your Super Fund may have significant benefits
Work Expenses - Otherwise Deductible Expenses
Commuting by Bus/Taxi/Rideshare
Portable Electronics – Laptop, Software, GPS
Professional Development – Membership, travel, conferences
In-house private health/fitness, childcare
Home Office, Tools of trade, Briefcases, PPE, Airport lounge
Financial Advice, Private ruling items

Work Site Visits

FAA Salary Packaging